I love bows. I don't go too crazy with the bows as big as her head, but I like bows. Carolina is developing her own opinion about them though. Sometimes she is just fine with them, other times she grabs them and pulls them over her eyes and fusses at me. She is a strong little booger and strong willed. She reminds me a lot of Grace as a baby. Anyway. I was trying to take some pictures and could not get the lighting right, and she found the bow. She would not leave it alone until I finally just took it off. I just thought it was funny.
Friday....I'm in Love
12 years ago
She looks so cute in her pink and purple! Have you ever seen these little flower headbands? I was going to stock up on them if we were having a girl, but it doesn't look like I'm going to get that chance.
So sweet. It just makes me laugh when the band falls down over her eyes. She is so precious!
So cute!! where did you find a purple soothie? gotta get one of those!
She is so beautiful. I cannot get over it!! Love your precious little family. And thinking of you often.
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