Monday, April 05, 2010

Easter Sunday

Just some pictures from Easter Sunday. I did not get any of G&G with their baskets because they had gone through their baskets, inventoried the candy, and had it in their rooms before Sean and I even got up. Carolina had more pictures because she can't run from me and my camera yet! Ha! Sean's parents and sister were here and we really enjoyed their visit. They may never come again because we put them to work, hard work. We ( and by we I mean Sean's parents, sister, Sean, and my dad with some help from G&G) built a raised veggie garden that I am so excited about! Maria is a horticulturist with the Denver Botanical Gardens and she did my flower beds also! I am so excited about that because I do not know a lot about flowers, but I can water them once they are planted! So we had a very productive weekend, and I got to shower without the bouncy seat on the other side of the glass shower door.


Michelle said...

Yay for in-laws!! Cute pics!

chadandnikki said...

These are great pics. And showering alone is so very nice occasionally.

Lexie said...

Hope ya'll had a great easter. You need to get some pics of the gardens up too. I'm working on a raised veggie garden myself. Hopfeully, it'll be done SOON

Chrissy Cash said...

Carolina is precious! All of the kids are! And I honestly thought that your sister-in-law was your sister! You two look a lot alike!!

Julie said...

How fun! I can't wait to see it!

Anything available this week for visiting? :)