Two years ago Gracie had a solo at the school Christmas program. The last verse to Silent Night. I posted it about it
here. She looks so little there! Anyway. She had a really hard time, but when it came time to actually sing, she nailed it. She did not attempt to sing in public again until we started to plan Evan's service. Sean wanted her to sing. She sings at home all. the. time. We have all the "Sing It" Wii games and it is very common to hear Gracie singing Disney songs. I was very hesitant because she had such a hard time at the school program and I thought her brothers funeral would just be too hard. He asked her, she agreed. She worked with our music leader and sang "How Great is Our God" for Evan. She sang beautifully, without the slightest hint of anxiety.
So, it was really fun to see her sing with the band in "big" church this Sunday. So many people have told me how comfortable she looked and how much fun she looked like she was having. What a difference two years make! Ha! She really loved it! Anyway, I am very proud of my girl. My boy did great also! He did more posing for me and my camera than actually singing, but he was cute in his reindeer tie.