Tuesday, November 25, 2008

This Little Man

Turned 7 last week! Seven! Because of the holidays we did not do a big birthday party for him. He had a friend over for the day Saturday and we went to the movies and out for pizza and then just let them play. He had a blast! He is really into Legos right now. He loves the Batman, Indiana Jones, and Speed Racer sets and he can put them together by himself now. I just can't believe he is seven! It goes by way to fast!
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Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy Halloween!

G&G were Batman and Poison Ivy. Sean and MG made her costume themselves. I guess because her costume was G rated people did not connect the whole Poison Ivy and most thought she was Mother Nature, but they were excited! We live in a great neighborhood for trick or treating and we have more candy than we will ever eat now. Several of the neighbors gave them full size candy bars and they don't get to eat full size candy bars that often so they were really happy! They may never come down off the sugar high, but they are really happy!
I am a little dissappointed in myself this year. I love fall. LOVE it. I have barely got anything up in my house, and my mums (I love mums) died this year and I never got any more. My front porch is bare. I just feel like I am never home, and when I am I am just too tired to do anything extra. The dishes get done and the laundry stays within reason (kinda). I need energy! I need to start nesting!