1. I have horrid social skills. I would rather sit in the corner and watch than to actually put myself out there and have people not like me. This is somthing that I have really really been working on. So if I see you out and about, don't let me run off without talking to you. When I see someone I know my first instinct is to bolt. The pressure of talking and actually having something to say is huge. Like I said, something I am working on.
2. This is my favorite picture right now...
3. I put things off as long as possible. Today, I turned in a take home test at like 11:53, it was due at 12:00, I have had it for a week!!!
4. I am a horrid speller. It is awful!!
5. I am six months older than my husband.
6. My right leg is literally screwed on wrong. My foot points outward. Long story short, I was born with a problem, had it corrected as an infant. When I started playing sports I had a lot of injuries to my ankle and knee. Hip was still screwed up(something the docs had not really ever seen) so a metal plate, some screws and bolts and my hip is still screwed up, but it doesn't cause injury to my knee and ankle. My foot just points the wrong way.
7. I read books over and over. Especially books that are in a series. I read them so fast that I forget details so when the next book comes out I reread the previous one. Sean makes fun of me for it!
8. I don't really like chocolate ice cream, I like vanilla with chocolate in it. Is that weird?
Anyway, thank you Julie for tagging me. I think Julie tagged anyone who might read my blog, if you are reading it and not tagged by Julie, then I would probably fall over from shock!!!